Friday, March 23, 2007

i have a better update..

Thank you for all the sympathy for my last post. It's very nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks it's unfair, lol... I tried replying to the comments, but gmail kicked back all my mail.

The current 'official' statement is that the change in deployment date is 'just a rumor' and not happening... one thing I've learned is that in situations like this rumors are usually true, no matter how vehemently they're denied. In fact, the more vehement the denial, the more likely it is to be true. Given the official denial announced to the entire ship by people much higher than my husband, I'm going forward with the thinking that while it's possible B will be here for Rice's birth, it's unlikely unless Rice comes early. (and that's still a very definite possibility)

I spent some time thinking about how I'd cope with this... and I'm ok.

The idea of birthing alone doesn't bother me. I'm not completely alone here. I do have people who could and would support me if I asked... so if I'm birthing solo, it's as much by choice as it is by circumstance... not a problem.

The real problem is having B so out of the loop for information.

When his ship is out, phone communication is all but nonexistant. Email is generally reliable, but sometimes it takes a while.

I can't stand the thought that he'd be the last one to know about his child.

I'm working out a solution to that, while still hoping he'll be here to see for himself. It's still a possibility.

If not, we'll deal with that.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Good attitude and good plan. I hope you don't have to use it and he is home for the birth.